Hot Summer. Hot Topics. Hot Entrepreneurs.

Original Queens of Cannabis, 2024

Hot Summer. Hot Topics. Hot Entrepreneurs.

Hot Summer. Hot Topics.
Hot Entrepreneurs.

The OQs, June 2024
The OQs, June 2024, (from the left) Tanya Osborne, Saki Fenderson, Britni Tantalo, Jessica Naissant, and Kymberly "KymB" Byrnes

The Hottest Entrepreneurs

In this newsletter, we are delighted to share a hot topic from the 10th Annual CWCBExpo 2024: “Journey to Legitimacy: The OGs and OQs of Cannabis.”

This session is steaming hot with our industry’s bravest, courageous and committed who are building and transforming the industry legally, legitimately and enthusiastically. These entrepreneurs and business owners share their stories with passion and heart. Be sure to watch this poignant session of our lovable and remarkable Original Gangsters and Original Queens on their individual journeys to legitimacy.

Read more about these sessions at the bottom of this newsletter.

The OGs, June 2024
The OGs, June 2024 (from the left) Christopher Louie, Hawaii Mike Salman, Coss Marte, Puma Robinson, and Jayson Tantalo
Federal Regulatory Cannabis News

Rescheduling Decision Delayed

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has delayed Rescheduling cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III and has set a hearing for December 2, 2024. As we reported in our July Newsletter, the public comment period terminated with the DEA receiving over 40,000 comments. Now, Administrator Anne Milgram set a hearing to gather even more input before a decision is made. Who is going to attend this hearing? Who is going to present reasons for and against rescheduling at this hearing?

New York State Cannabis News
New York State Governor Kathy Hochul Announces Shutdown of Over 1,000 Illicit Shops

Governor Kathy Hochul is keeping her commitment to shutting down illicit cannabis shops across New York. Heading into August, Governor Hochul reported that she and NYC Mayor Adams successfully shuttered more than 1,000 illicit shops statewide. This action has helped increase  sales for the legal shops. Seizures of illegal products are estimated to have been worth over $63MM.

“I am pleased to join Mayor Adams and other officials to celebrate a milestone and recognize the enforcement teams who shut down more than 1,000 unlicensed stores statewide, bringing us closer to our goal of building the strongest, most equitable cannabis industry in the nation.”

– NYS Governor Kathy Hochul

New York State Government
Licensing News from the Office of Cannabis Management, Cannabis Control Board

The New York State Cannabis Control Board (CCB) held a board meeting August 6th and the meeting minutes reported that the cannabis industry is thriving with legal dispensary openings across the state. Cannabis sales are increasing as more illicit shops get shut down. Some notable assertions and resolutions from the August 6th meeting minutes include:

  • Social and Economic Equity Update
  • Enforcement Update
  • Market Update*
  • Adult Use Application Review
  • Public Comments

*It says NYS legal cannabis sales surpassed $492M.

NYS OCM Office of Cannabis Management

Congratulations to These Recent Adult-Use Dispensary Openings

Purple Owl Dispensary
WHITE PLAINS | 405 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains 10605

RISE Dispensary East Syracuse
EAST SYRACUSE | 6701 Manlius Center Road, East Syracuse 13057

WHITE PLAINS | 145-18 14th Avenue, White Plains 11357

LotusWorks Wellness
BEACON | 251 Main Street, Beacon 12508

400 River Dispensary
TROY | 400 River Street, Troy, 12180

Chronic Brooklyn
NEW YORK CITY | 483 3rd Avenue, Brooklyn 11215

Green Philosophy 716
WEST SENECA | 101 Slade Avenue, West Seneca, 14224

NEW YORK CITY | 862 9th Avenue, New York 10019

NUG Yonkers
YONKERS | 2371 Central Park Avenue, Yonkers 10710

Treehouse Cannabis

NYACK | 28 Route 59, Nyack 10960

County Road Cannabis
HUDSON VALLEY | 1326 CR-12, New Hampton 10958

KushKlub NYC
NEW YORK CITY | 186 Orchard Street, New York 10002

Salmon River Cannabis Company
PULASKI | 3808 State Route 13, Pulaski 13142

Happy Munkey
NEW YORK CITY | 151 Dyckman Street, New York 10040

The People’s Joint
SCHENECTADY | 501 State Street, Schenectady 12305

New Jersey Cannabis News

New Jersey Seeking Stakeholder Input on Medical Cannabis

This September and October, the New jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission will host scheduled virtual sessions that seek input from stakeholders of medicinal cannabis, including healthcare providers, patients, and business owners.

There will be four such virtual meetings. The meetings will be roundtables led by the Product Safety, Packaging & Labeling Committee, the Permitting & Licensing Committee, and the Public Engagement & Education Committee.

Stakeholders are invited to share feedback with the Board on key issues related to regulation, patient access, and institutional care in New Jersey.

The meetings are scheduled 11:30 am to 12:30 pm on each of the following dates:
  • September 5
  • September 23
  • September 25
  • October 1

The sessions will each be focused on specific topics, so make sure you check for more information.  Click here to get the full listings.

If you want to participate in any of the meetings, click here. (Invitations are required in order to participate, and you will need to fill out an invitation request form.)

NJ Cannabis Regulatory Commission
Ohio Cannabis News

Ohio Cannabis Sales are Hot

On August 6th, Ohio started its Adult Sales and right out of the starting gate, sales were hot. In its first week it passed $11.5MM and continued its successful climb since. Combined medical and Adult Use is expected to be a billion dollar market.

Read the story from the Cannabis Business Times.

Cannabis Business Times
Ukraine Cannabis News

Medical Cannabis Available

As of August 16th, medical cannabis was made available in Ukraine to veterans with post traumatic stress disorder and patients with serious illnesses. We reported in previous newsletters that President Zelensky signed into law a bill legalizing medical cannabis on February 15, 2024. Distribution of medical cannabis will be controlled by the government. Patients with a prescription from a doctor for qualifying conditions can now buy the drug legally.



OGs, June 2024
OGs, June 2024, (from the left) Hawaii Mike Salman, Jayson Tantalo, Coss Marte, Puma Robinson, and Christopher Louie

Journey to Legitimacy: The OGs and OQs of Cannabis

This exciting session is being featured in two segments that share the journeys of those who started with illicit cannabis business practices and have pivoted to building legal cannabis businesses.

Hear the personal and poignant stories from “OGs” (original gangsters) and “OQs” (original queens) and learn about their journeys to legitimacy. Their stories are impactful and are not to be missed.

Segment 1: Journey of the “OGs”
Moderator: Hawaii Mike Salman, Founder, Chef for Higher
Speakers: Christopher Louie, Co-Founder, Made in Xiaolin; Coss Marte, Founder ConBud, Entrepreneur; Puma Robinson, Entrepreneur, Actor, Music Producer; Jayson Tantalo, Co-Founder & COO, Metavega Corp., Flower City Hydropoincs, and Flower City Dispensary, Co-Founder & VP of Operations, New York Cannabis Retail Association

Segment 2: Journey of the “OQs”
Moderator: Tanya Osborne, Founder & CEO, The CannaDiva
Speakers: Kymberly Byrnes, Co-Founder & Chief marketing Officer, TribeTokes; Saki Fenderson, Speaker, educator, community activist; Jessica Naissant, Owner, CEO, Wake & Bake Café; Britni Tantalo, Co-Founder and President, New York Cannabis Retail Association; Co-Founder and President of Flower City Dispensary

OQs, June 2024
OQs, June 2024, (from the left) Tanya Osborne, Saki Fenderson, Britni Tantalo, Jessica Naissant, and Kymberly "KymB" Byrnes

Don’t miss out. Get prime exhibit space now.

CWCBExpo, 11th Annual
June 4 – 5, 2025
Javits Convention Center, NYC


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