Legalization and Licensing Milestones

New York

Substantial progress continues on the East Coast regarding Adult Use. On March 15, New York State (NYS) Governor Kathy Hochul announced the opening of the Application Portal for hemp farmers to obtain an Adult Use Cannabis Conditional Cultivator License to grow marijuana.
Get info from NYS.
Go directly to the NYS licensing portal.

In addition, the portal will allow applicants with prior convictions to apply for a retail license under the “Seeding Opportunity Initiative.” The groundbreaking approach to inclusion and social equity gives those individuals and communities who have been negatively and economically impacted to get priority with the first issued licenses.
Read about this initiative from Reuters.

New York State Government

New Jersey

Meanwhile in New Jersey, Governor Phil Murphy has updated his state budget to reflect the anticipated revenue that legal marijuana will generate for his state, indicating that legal sales will begin soon. Read about here in

Don’t forget to keep these upcoming NJCRC public meeting dates in view in case you want to participate. Click here to get the dates from NJ gov.

NJ Cannabis Regulatory Commission


Home to Chesapeake Bay, the beautiful state of Maryland is looking to advance recreational marijuana with the legislative bill advancing in the State House which seeks to amend their state constitution by a vote in November. We will keep watching for developments.
Read about it and watch a video from NBC’s WBALTV11.

NBC's WBalTV11

Federal Legalization

The reality that marijuana is still Federally illegal – despite the majority of public opinion in favor of legalization in the United States – is an obstacle for legitimate businesses to become successful. Federal illegalization constantly and negatively impacts cannabis business owners and creates difficulty in getting service from financial institutions in states where cannabis is legal.
Read an update from NORML.


Multiple Sclerosis and Cannabis

Alternative medications that the cannabis plant has to offer are vigorously sought after by those who have ailments. Multiple Sclerosis is a debilitating disease and its symptoms render those afflicted to lose their bodily motor functions, and ultimately contributes to losing their lives. Cannabis as an alternative treatment may help ease symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis patients.
Read the article from Emerald Magazine.

Emerald Media Group

This Month’s Featured Video Archive Recording

“Inside the Industry, Thought Leadership Series: What’s Next?”

Not to be missed! Hear Matthew Anderson of Vanguard Scientific, Geoff Whaling of National Hemp Association and rePLANT Hemp, and Michael Woods of Big Sun Holdings and Black Buffalo 3-D Corp discuss what’s coming next for their businesses.

rePLANT Hemp
In the video above, at the November 2021 CWCBExpo Conference, the “rePLANT Hemp Fund” was announced.

In addition to the announcement at the CWCBExpo, we are sharing this week’s major development – the official launch of the fund.

Thought Leadership Series Video

CWCBExpo Blog: Stay Up to Date with Industry News

CWCBExpo’s blog is your convenient place to stay up to date with industry news. Check out the CWCBExpo Blog today.

The CWCBExpo Yacht Party is Back!

The famous Industry Yacht party will take place at the end of Day 2 of the CWCBExpo, on Friday, June 3, from 6pm to 10pm. Boarding will be from the pier behind the Javits Center. You must be registered at CWCBExpo to attend.

Get your tickets now for the best pricing.

CWCBExpo Yacht Party Welcome Service

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AmeriVacS Vacuum Sealer