October 2023 Regional News Update: New Opportunities in NY, NJ, and PA

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October 2023 has ushered another wave of developments across the Northeast’s ever-changing cannabis landscape. States are forging ahead with the launch or expansion of their markets, marking a transformative period for the region. Join us as we navigate through these moments and explore the evolving industry in the Northeast. 

New York extends license application window, launches outreach initiative 

The New York State Cannabis Control Board (CCB) has officially extended the deadline to apply for non-provisional retail and microbusiness licenses to Nov. 17th. The deadline for all other licenses, including cultivation and processing, has been extended until Dec. 18th. The Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) plans to issue up to 1,500 licenses for cultivation, retail, processing, and microbusinesses.

At the same time, New York opened its adult-use cannabis licensing window on Oct. 4th. 

Conditional Adult Use Retail Dispensary (CAURD) licenses are on hold following a temporary injunction granted as a part of an ongoing legal dispute. This dispute is said to be a key factor in the extension decision. Some businesses, many of which are still preparing their applications, have expressed appreciation for the extension. However, the delays present new financial challenges for many others who are already paying for their locations and products to sell.

For applicants seeking clarity or having specific queries about the process, the OCM is hosting “Roadmap to Adult-Use Application” events. The OCM will offer presentations on the various license types, the application process, and more. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with experts, ask questions, and learn about resources for potential applicants. These sessions are available both virtually and in person, with planned stops in places like Harlem, Brooklyn, Albany, Syracuse, Ithaca, Rochester, and Buffalo.

New Jersey regulators seek input on proposed edible rules 

Last month, the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (NJCRC) announced an expansion of its edibles program

The NJCRC has opened a 60-day public comment period on the newly proposed rules, which allow the sale of infused single-serving beverages containing up to 5mg of “active THC,” as well as chocolates, gummies, baked good, butters, jams, and jellies. Under the current regulations, edibles are restricted to non-perishable products, such as lozenges, pills, and “soft lozenges,” which are sometimes referred to as gummies in New Jersey’s cannabis program. 

“We believe that cannabis edibles have the potential to provide an alternative and convenient method for adults to access cannabis, and the proposed regulations aim to establish clear guidelines for their responsible production, labeling, and sale,” NJCRC Executive Director Jeff Brown said in a press release last week.

Feedback on the regulations must be submitted online by December 15th.

Pennsylvania schedules cannabis legalization hearing 

The Pennsylvania House Health Subcommittee on Health has scheduled a hearing on cannabis legalization for November 1st. The informational meeting will allow experts on legislation to share their input and push for reform. Committee members will have the chance to hear from professors, advocates, addiction specialists, and other experts about any health considerations that may stem from 

According to Rep. Dan B. Frankel (D-23), who is chair of the committee, lawmakers will look at a variety of state regulatory models to see what can be done better in Pennsylvania. One of the ideas under consideration in PA is the model of state-run cannabis stores, similar to what’s being considered in New Hampshire

“My goal would be to find something that our entire conference can support—and I would expect that there would be some bipartisan support for this legislation,” he told Marijuana Moment. “I think it’s very important that we have bipartisan support if we’re going to send something over to the Senate, which is controlled by my Republican colleagues.” 

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This month’s update reveals both the thriving potential and concurrent obstacles within the Northeast cannabis industry. In this dynamic landscape, the value of trustworthy, well-informed sources can not be overstated. Look no further than CWCBExpo’s monthly updates – your steadfast source for industry news and insights. Stay ahead and stay informed. 

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