Marijuana Arrests in New York City Drop 95% After Legalization (CannabisNet)
“During the second quarter of 2021, New York City’s police department recorded only eight cannabis-related arrests. Six of which were for illegal possession of cannabis and the other two for illegal sales.

“The current legislation states that adults over 21 now have the right to possess adult-use cannabis of not more than three ounces. It also permits the sale of cannabis, however, this has been paused due to the delay in setting up the state’s cannabis regulatory council.”
Read the full CannabisNet article here.
NYPD Data Chart: Marijuana Possession Arrests, 2013-2019
(Source: NYC Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice)
This chart from the New York Police Department (NYPD) displays the stats on arrests for marijuana possession which shows arrests have been on a steep downward trend from 2013-2019.

Greener pastures: Marijuana jobs are becoming a refuge for retail and restaurant workers
(The Washington Post)
“An estimated 321,000 Americans now work in the legal cannabis industry, outnumbering the country’s dentists, paramedics and electrical engineers.”
Read the full Washington Post article here.

Rhode Island Lawmakers Are ‘Very Close’ On Marijuana Legalization Deal Ahead Of Possible Special Session, Top Senator Says (MarijuanaMoment)

“Senate President Dominick Ruggerio (D) was asked for a status update on negotiations that have been taking place on the reform proposal since lawmakers adjourned for the session. He told WPRI-TV that while there are still outstanding issues to be resolved, he believes legalization will be taken up before the end of the year.
“We can’t reverse the harm of the war on drugs, but we can start to repair it by passing automatic expungement and waiving all related fines, fees and court debt,” Rep. Karen Alzate (D), chair of the Rhode Island Legislative Black and Latino Caucus, said earlier this month. “This bold legalization plan offers us the chance to turn a new leaf for the Ocean State, and it’s time we take it.”
Read the full MarijuanaMoment article here.
Why more professional athletes are depending on cannabis (New York Post)
“Recently the National Football League (NFL) and the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) offered together over 1 million dollars as grant to fund research related to CBD and pain management….”
“Cannabis use appears to be at its highest in the NFL, with one-time Dallas Cowboys tight end Martellus Bennett claiming that nearly 90 percent of professional football players rely on it, mostly to manage pain, instead of dabbling in opioids that can lead to serious side effects and addiction.”
Read the full New York Post article here.

Take a Virtual Tour of a New York City Dispensary
“Virtual Tour: Etain Health Dispensary – Rising To The Challenge“

CWCBExpo is pleased to offer a continuing series of videos from its CWCBExpoInsider archive.
This discussion is an on-site tour of Etain Health’s Manhattan dispensary, a woman-owned business. Take an inside look at the newly opened Etain Health dispensary in NYC, which opened its newest location on East 58th Street in Manhattan, during the height of the Pandemic in 2020. What a show of New York resiliency during challenging times.
We look forward to Etain exhibiting at our expo and speaking in our conference at the Javits Convention Center this November 4 – 6!

Monday, November 1 – Sunday, November 7

Reminder: There is Still Time to Submit Your Cannabis Week Specials Today!
Are you a local company who is interested in having CWCBExpo attendees visit your business?
Now is your opportunity to have your special event or offer listed in the Cannabis Week Guide.
All selected Cannabis Week Events and Offers will be listed in the digital CWCBExpo Cannabis Week Guide, which will be continually distributed and updated as we market the main CWCBExpo event.
Please note that there is no charge for partnering with CWCBExpo Cannabis Week New York 2021 and listing your offerings for attendees in the Cannabis Week Guide. Simply submit your idea for a discount, service, or event for Cannabis Week and we will be in touch!
Meet the CWCBExpo Conference Program Sponsor:
Vicente Sederberg - At the Leading Edge of Cannabis Law
Vicente Sederberg LLP is a top-ranked national law firm that has been at the leading edge of cannabis policy for more than a decade, helping public and private sector clients shape, implement, and navigate marijuana and hemp laws and regulations across the U.S. and around the world.
VS is ready to assist cannabis entrepreneurs and established businesses in the Tri-state area with licensing application services, IP and brand strategy guidance, real estate selection, community outreach, regulatory advice, corporate transactions, and more!
Learn more at:

Meet the Exhibitors: Atlas Seed
Atlas Seed specializes in feminized, day neutral, or “autoflowering” cannabis and hemp varieties bred for agronomic qualities, including yield, mold resistance, and total cannabinoid content. Atlas Seed was founded by seasoned winegrape, vegetable, and cannabis farmers in Sonoma County, California that were searching for genetics that didn’t yet exist: uniform, stable, & vigorous hybrids that would fit into their existing, time tested agricultural model.
Atlas now boasts a state of the art, dedicated breeding program with continuous improvements to inbred parent lines delivering industry leading field adaptability and stability with uniform performance and cannabinoid production. Atlas is actively forming partnerships with nurseries nationwide to make their genetics available in every legal growing state. When you choose Atlas Seed, you’re choosing field scale cannabis genetics bred by farmers, for farmers.
Find out more at: