Our Industry’s Biggest Holiday, Legalization, Enforcement Authority and MORE
Our Industry’s Biggest Holiday, Legalization, Enforcement Authority, Spring is Here, Opportunity…Bring It All On!

New York State (NYS) Governor Kathy Hochul and the NYS Legislature vowed to support and fund the closures of the illicit cannabis smoke shops across NYS and New York City (NYC) – and they have included funding in the 2025 NYS budget to do it. The approved budget that was passed this April vows to shut down illegal cannabis operations. An immediate action of this approved budget is that NYC Mayor Eric Adams is getting the immediate authority to use New York City’s enforcement powers to inspect, issue violations, and seize cannabis and padlock stores.
– NYC Mayor Eric Adams
4/20 Love Story
This April’s 4/20 had numerous events all over. We share one New York 4/20 love story that celebrates the union of two people who wed on 4/20/24 while highlighting the cannabis plant.
On 4/20, the wedding of Evan Ross Katz, writer and podcaster, and Billy Jacobson, an engineer, took place in Chelsea in New York City. Congratulations!

Dispensary Openings
April saw many dispensary openings across NYC and NYS. Congratulations to the family-owned dispensary “Big Gas” which is the 100th adult-use in-store sales cannabis dispensary to open in New York. They are located in New Paltz.
Below are some of the many openings in April.
Evergreen Retail
FINGER LAKES | 51 N. Main Street, Brockport 14420
Website: www.evergreennyretail.com
Platinum Leaf
ROCK HILL | 196 Rock Hill Drive, Rock Hill 12275
Website: www.theplatinumleaf.com
Late Bloomers NYC
RIDGEWOOD | 57-01 Myrtle Avenue, Ridgewood 11385
Website: www.latebloomers-nyc.com
Flower Power Dispensers
NEW YORK CITY | 22 West 66th Street, New York 10023
Website: www.flowerpowerdispensers.com
Devil’s Lettuce
WEST SENECA | 650 Orchard Park Road, West Seneca 14224
Website: www.devilslettuce.net
Planet Nugg
FARMINGDALE | 2043 Wellwood Avenue, Farmingdale 11735
East Leaf Dispensary
CHEEKTOWAGA | 2442 Clinton Street,
Cheektowaga 14224
Loudpack Exotics
SYRACUSE | 6606 Kinne Road, Syracuse 13214
Website: www.loudpackexotics.com
Mary Janes – A Legacy 2 Legal Dispensary
BUFFALO | 440 Normal Avenue, Buffalo 14213
Leafology Cannabis Company
WHITE PLAINS | 244 Main Street, White Plains 10601
Website: www.leafologycannabiscompany.com
Misha’s Flower Shop
BROOKLYN | 299 Knickerbocker Avenue, Brooklyn 11237
Website: www.mishasflowershop.com
Canna Life NY Inc (dba Hii)
BROOKLYN | 152 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn 11249
Website: www.hiinyc.com
Purple Plains
POUND RIDGE | 32 Westchester Avenue, Pound Ridge 10576
Website: www.purpleplains.com
Big Gas Dispensary (the 100th Adult Use Dispensary to Open in New York)
NEW PALTZ | 98 N Chestnut Street, New Paltz 12561
Website: www.biggasdispensary.com
CONBUD (Canna Summit)
BRONX | 2412 Third Avenue, Bronx 10454
Website: www.conbudbx.com
Blue Forest Farms Dispensary
NEW YORK CITY | 122 E 25th Street, New York 10010
Website: coming soon
The Weed Shoppe
STATEN ISLAND | 4906 Arthur Kill Road, Staten Island 10309
Elevate Soho Cannabis
NEW YORK CITY | 481 Broadway, New York 10013
Website: www.elevatesohocannabis.com
NYC Licensing News
This month, the NYS Office of Cannabis Management (NYSOCM) was given the authority by the Cannabis Control Board (CCB) to issue 101 new provisional adult-use licenses to applicants across several segments of the supply chain including: retailers, microbusinesses, cultivators, processors and distributors. The measure was granted during an April 11 meeting of the CCB. This new authority allows the NYSOCM to grant provisional licenses faster but ultimately, the CCB will still have to approve the final license.
The latest news from the NYSOCM for April includes the stats below since March 2021 when the NYS Marijuana Retail and Taxation Act (MRTA) passed:
- Total Legal Revenue Sales have reached an impressive $263MM
- 403 Adult-use Licenses have been awarded
- Approximately 7,000 jobs across NYS have been created
- Plus many more

New Jersey News
New Jersey Celebrates Cannabis Milestones
This April 2024 marks a 3-year milestone for the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission, while celebrating a 2-year milestone for recreational cannabis sales. As part of their impressive achievements, in 2023 the NJCRC reached over $800MM in cannabis sales and expects to reach $1B in 2024.

Nationwide News
Federal Regulatory News: Descheduling vs. Rescheduling
The buzz about descheduling and rescheduling of cannabis continues and will continue until the DEA makes a decision. Among the latest developments around descheduling is the formation of a legislative group who are pushing to have marijuana removed from Schedule 1. The group sent a letter requesting the descheduling to Attorney General Merrick Garland and to Anne Milgram of the DEA.
The group of signers of this letter includes:
- Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts
- Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania
- Representative Barbara Lee of California
- Senator Chuck Schumer of New York
- Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont
- Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York
- Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey
- Representative Earl Blumenauer of Oregon
- …and others
Cannabis Industry Stats
The editors of CWCBExpo want to share an industry statistics this post from Lookah.com. Lookah has gathered extensive stats about cannabis and where it is headed in 2024. It’s very interesting.

Featured Interview: Dawne Morris
Dawne Morris – CEO, Co-Founder, PROTEUS Business Solution, PROTEUS420
This month, we feature a brief interview with Dawne Morris, Co-Founder and CEO of Proteus420, an online enterprise resource planning (ERP) system for the cannabis industry. Dawne is a nationally-recognized cannabis entrepreneur who has been named a Top Women to Watch in Marijuana Venture magazine.
An entrepreneur, a technologist and an advocate, Dawne is a champion of our industry, of women and of the cannabis community. We share our conversation below.
CWCBExpo – Did you ever doubt yourself and how did you overcome that self-doubt?
Dawne – Being a woman in the predominantly male sectors of cannabis and technology has presented numerous moments where self-doubt could have crept in. However, I make it a point not to entertain those doubts. As a professional at the helm of a business, my focus is on running my company efficiently; I don’t have the luxury of time to prove myself to others. Whenever I face uncertainty, I rely on my expertise and knowledge, reminding myself of the path I took to get here. My primary aim is to stay focused and achieve my goals—recognition from others, while appreciated, is secondary.

“I don’t have the luxury of time to prove myself to others. Whenever I face uncertainty, I rely on my expertise and knowledge, reminding myself of the path I took to get here.”
CWCBExpo – Who was your role model growing up and what impressed you most about that person?
Dawne – My greatest influence has undoubtedly been my father, a skilled cannabis grower who deeply educated me about the plant’s healing potentials. Growing up as a proponent of cannabis, we were cautious to keep our discussions within the home due to potential backlash. Unfortunately, my father passed away six years ago, and expanding our business into the cannabis sector has been a way to honor his legacy. It’s not just about business growth; it’s about continuing his advocacy and educational efforts in a field where I truly thrive. As the world became more accepting of cannabis, my husband and I recognized the opportunity to integrate this personal mission into our professional endeavors.
CWCBExpo – Who is your best friend – OK – who are your “2 besties”?
Dawne – My husband David is undoubtedly my best friend. We’ve experienced so much together, and each morning I wake up eager to face new challenges and adventures alongside him. Additionally, I consider my granddaughters as my other best friends—so technically, I have three best friends. They inspire me daily to be a better person, someone they can admire and learn from. Watching them grow has been one of the greatest lessons of my life, and I cherish every moment with my three best friends!
CWCBExpo – You have been a champion of women, tech, and cannabis as you worked your way up, and you are a true believer in community. What advice do you have for women entrepreneurs in our industry?
“This journey isn’t always easy, but it is rewarding, especially when we lift each other up and champion each other’s successes.”
Dawne – I’ve always been passionate about supporting women in tech and cannabis, industries where we are still underrepresented. My advice to women entrepreneurs in our industry is encapsulated beautifully by Maya Angelou, who said, “Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.” This underscores the importance of courage in our endeavors. It’s crucial to stay true to yourself and remember that you are here for a reason. Your unique insights and contributions are incredibly valuable.
I encourage women to actively connect with and uplift other women in the space. Building a supportive community is not just about networking—it’s about creating a space where we can all thrive. Never let your identity be a barrier. Instead, let it be your strength and your guide as you navigate your path. Remember, by supporting one another, we create a stronger, more inclusive industry. This journey isn’t always easy, but it is rewarding, especially when we lift each other up and champion each other’s successes.
“Compliance Issues for Cannabis Business Owners: Taxation, Liability and the ERTC Program“
In this session, the panelists discussed the financial issues surrounding managing a cannabis business without federal legalization and with no ability to use a bank; 280E was discussed along with insurance issues, liability and the ERTC Credit program.
Moderated by Steve Gelsi, MarketWatch; with Sandy Suchoff, Founder, CEO CannaCPAs; Jeff Booker, Founder, COO CannaCoverage; and Tom Sauvageau, Founder, CEO ERTCFiling.

(pictured from the left) Jeff Booker, Sandy Suchoff, Tom Sauvageau and and Steve Gels
The CWCBExpo BLOG: Timely News & In Depth Articles
CWCBExpo blogs contain relevant, timely information. Recent subjects include cannabis testing laboratories, packaging, facility security, and legalization and regulatory updates.

Meet This Exhibitor:
Wilson Safe Company
Booth #335

A Leader in Cannabis Security
Protect your cannabis inventory and cash with our high-security TL-30 safes, a versatile solution designed to meet your unique storage needs. Engineered to withstand 30 minutes of assault from a burglar’s arsenal, including hammers, chisels, grinding wheels, and carbide-tipped drills, these safes provide a robust defense. Moreover, boasting a 1.5-hour fire rating at 1,200 degrees, they ensure the integrity of your valuables even in the face of intense heat. Available in various sizes and configurations, each model offers versatility with options such as lockers, additional shelves, and drawers. Equipped with Group 1R locks mandated for DEA safes, heavy-duty hinges, and robust bolt work, our high-security TL-30 safes stand as an excellent safeguard for your assets.

Get Your Exhibit Space Today.