Our Industry’s Biggest Holiday, Legalization, Enforcement Authority and MORE

Our Industry’s Biggest Holiday, Legalization, Enforcement Authority, Spring is Here, Opportunity…Bring It All On!

“Unlicensed dispensaries have littered New York neighborhoods, blatantly circumventing our laws and selling potentially dangerous products. Enough is enough. I promised to protect our communities and hard-working, legal cannabis licensees by expediting the closure of illicit storefronts. I’m proud to stand up and say we got it done.”


New York State Governor Kathy Hochul


NYS Gov Hochul and NYC Mayor Adams
NY Governor Hochul (right) unveils new initiatives to shut down illicit cannabis operations and protect the legal marketplace. NYC Mayor Adams is on the left.

New York State (NYS) Governor Kathy Hochul and the NYS Legislature vowed to support and fund the closures of the illicit cannabis smoke shops across NYS and New York City (NYC) – and they have included funding in the 2025 NYS budget to do it. The approved budget that was passed this April vows to shut down illegal cannabis operations. An immediate action of this approved budget is that NYC Mayor Eric Adams is getting the immediate authority to use New York City’s enforcement powers to inspect, issue violations, and seize cannabis and padlock stores.


“New Yorkers are fed up with illegal smoke shops and their unlawful business practices, but our administration worked hard to make our voices heard in Albany, and working with Governor Hochul and our state partners, we are proud to say we got it done. New York City will finally be able to use the full force of the law to inspect, enforce, and shut down illegal dispensaries. These measures, combined with our already robust enforcement efforts, will help keep the playing field level and push back against the quality-of-life issues that have resulted from the proliferation of illegal smoke shops. We will continue to work with our partners in Albany to give aspiring entrepreneurs, especially those who have been justice-involved, a chance to succeed.”

NYC Mayor Eric Adams
4/20 Love Story

This April’s 4/20 had numerous events all over. We share one New York 4/20 love story that celebrates the union of two people who wed on 4/20/24 while highlighting the cannabis plant.

On 4/20, the wedding of Evan Ross Katz, writer and podcaster, and Billy Jacobson, an engineer, took place in Chelsea in New York City. Congratulations!

The New York Times

Dispensary Openings

April saw many dispensary openings across NYC and NYS. Congratulations to the family-owned dispensary “Big Gas” which is the 100th adult-use in-store sales cannabis dispensary to open in New York. They are located in New Paltz.

Below are some of the many openings in April.

Evergreen Retail
FINGER LAKES | 51 N. Main Street, Brockport 14420
Website: www.evergreennyretail.com     

Platinum Leaf
ROCK HILL | 196 Rock Hill Drive, Rock Hill 12275
Website: www.theplatinumleaf.com   

Late Bloomers NYC
RIDGEWOOD | 57-01 Myrtle Avenue, Ridgewood 11385
Website: www.latebloomers-nyc.com


Flower Power Dispensers
NEW YORK CITY | 22 West 66th Street, New York 10023
Website: www.flowerpowerdispensers.com    


Devil’s Lettuce
WEST SENECA | 650 Orchard Park Road, West Seneca 14224
Website: www.devilslettuce.net

Planet Nugg
FARMINGDALE | 2043 Wellwood Avenue, Farmingdale 11735

Website: www.planetnugg.com   

East Leaf Dispensary

CHEEKTOWAGA | 2442 Clinton Street,
Cheektowaga 14224

Loudpack Exotics
SYRACUSE | 6606 Kinne Road, Syracuse 13214
Website: www.loudpackexotics.com

Mary Janes – A Legacy 2 Legal Dispensary
BUFFALO | 440 Normal Avenue, Buffalo 14213

Leafology Cannabis Company
WHITE PLAINS | 244 Main Street, White Plains 10601
Website: www.leafologycannabiscompany.com

Misha’s Flower Shop
BROOKLYN | 299 Knickerbocker Avenue, Brooklyn 11237
Website: www.mishasflowershop.com

Canna Life NY Inc (dba Hii)
BROOKLYN | 152 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn 11249
Website: www.hiinyc.com

Purple Plains
POUND RIDGE | 32 Westchester Avenue, Pound Ridge 10576
Website: www.purpleplains.com

Big Gas Dispensary (the 100th Adult Use Dispensary to Open in New York)
NEW PALTZ | 98 N Chestnut Street, New Paltz 12561
Website: www.biggasdispensary.com

CONBUD (Canna Summit)

BRONX | 2412 Third Avenue, Bronx 10454
Website: www.conbudbx.com

Blue Forest Farms Dispensary

NEW YORK CITY | 122 E 25th Street, New York 10010
Website: coming soon

The Weed Shoppe
STATEN ISLAND | 4906 Arthur Kill Road, Staten Island 10309

Elevate Soho Cannabis
NEW YORK CITY | 481 Broadway, New York 10013
Website: www.elevatesohocannabis.com

NYC Licensing News

This month, the NYS Office of Cannabis Management (NYSOCM) was given the authority by the Cannabis Control Board (CCB) to issue 101 new provisional adult-use licenses to applicants across several segments of the supply chain including: retailers, microbusinesses, cultivators, processors and distributors. The measure was granted during an April 11 meeting of the CCB. This new authority allows the NYSOCM to grant  provisional licenses faster but ultimately, the CCB will still have to approve the final license.

The latest news from the NYSOCM for April includes the stats below since March 2021 when the NYS Marijuana Retail and Taxation Act (MRTA) passed:

  • Total Legal Revenue Sales have reached an impressive $263MM
  • 403 Adult-use Licenses have been awarded
  • Approximately 7,000 jobs across NYS have been created
  • Plus many more
NYS OCM Office of Cannabis Management
New Jersey News

New Jersey Celebrates Cannabis Milestones

This April 2024 marks a 3-year milestone for the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission, while celebrating a 2-year milestone for recreational cannabis sales. As part of their impressive achievements, in 2023 the NJCRC reached over $800MM in cannabis sales and expects to reach $1B in 2024.

For more information on the accomplishments that the CRC and the New Jersey cannabis industry have made regarding licensing, social equity, dispensary openings, ancillary services, their medical cannabis program, and plans for consumption lounges, click here.


NJ Cannabis Regulatory Commission
Celebrating three years of growth and equity in New Jersey cannabis
Nationwide News

Federal Regulatory News: Descheduling vs. Rescheduling

The buzz about descheduling and rescheduling of cannabis continues and will continue until the DEA makes a decision. Among the latest developments around descheduling is the formation of a legislative group who are pushing to have marijuana removed from Schedule 1. The group sent a letter requesting the descheduling to Attorney General Merrick Garland and to Anne Milgram of the DEA.

The group of signers of this letter includes:

  • Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts
  • Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania
  • Representative Barbara Lee of California
  • Senator Chuck Schumer of New York
  • Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont
  • Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York
  • Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey
  • Representative Earl Blumenauer of Oregon
  • …and others

Cannabis Industry Stats

The editors of CWCBExpo want to share an industry statistics this post from Lookah.com. Lookah has gathered extensive stats about cannabis and where it is headed in 2024. It’s very interesting.

Featured Interview:  Dawne Morris

Dawne Morris – CEO, Co-Founder, PROTEUS Business Solution, PROTEUS420

This month, we feature a brief interview with Dawne Morris, Co-Founder and CEO of Proteus420, an online enterprise resource planning (ERP) system for the cannabis industry. Dawne is a nationally-recognized cannabis entrepreneur who has been named a Top Women to Watch in Marijuana Venture magazine.

An entrepreneur, a technologist and an advocate, Dawne is a champion of our industry, of women and of the cannabis community. We share our conversation below.

CWCBExpo – Did you ever doubt yourself and how did you overcome that self-doubt?

Dawne – Being a woman in the predominantly male sectors of cannabis and technology has presented numerous moments where self-doubt could have crept in. However, I make it a point not to entertain those doubts. As a professional at the helm of a business, my focus is on running my company efficiently; I don’t have the luxury of time to prove myself to others. Whenever I face uncertainty, I rely on my expertise and knowledge, reminding myself of the path I took to get here. My primary aim is to stay focused and achieve my goals—recognition from others, while appreciated, is secondary.

Dawne Morris

“I don’t have the luxury of time to prove myself to others. Whenever I face uncertainty, I rely on my expertise and knowledge, reminding myself of the path I took to get here.”

CWCBExpo – Who was your role model growing up and what impressed you most about that person?

Dawne – My greatest influence has undoubtedly been my father, a skilled cannabis grower who deeply educated me about the plant’s healing potentials. Growing up as a proponent of cannabis, we were cautious to keep our discussions within the home due to potential backlash. Unfortunately, my father passed away six years ago, and expanding our business into the cannabis sector has been a way to honor his legacy. It’s not just about business growth; it’s about continuing his advocacy and educational efforts in a field where I truly thrive. As the world became more accepting of cannabis, my husband and I recognized the opportunity to integrate this personal mission into our professional endeavors.

CWCBExpo – Who is your best friend – OK – who are your “2 besties”?

Dawne – My husband David is undoubtedly my best friend. We’ve experienced so much together, and each morning I wake up eager to face new challenges and adventures alongside him. Additionally, I consider my granddaughters as my other best friends—so technically, I have three best friends. They inspire me daily to be a better person, someone they can admire and learn from. Watching them grow has been one of the greatest lessons of my life, and I cherish every moment with my three best friends!

CWCBExpo – You have been a champion of women, tech, and cannabis as you worked your way up, and you are a true believer in community. What advice do you have for women entrepreneurs in our industry?

“This journey isn’t always easy, but it is rewarding, especially when we lift each other up and champion each other’s successes.”

Dawne – I’ve always been passionate about supporting women in tech and cannabis, industries where we are still underrepresented. My advice to women entrepreneurs in our industry is encapsulated beautifully by Maya Angelou, who said, “Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.” This underscores the importance of courage in our endeavors. It’s crucial to stay true to yourself and remember that you are here for a reason. Your unique insights and contributions are incredibly valuable.

I encourage women to actively connect with and uplift other women in the space. Building a supportive community is not just about networking—it’s about creating a space where we can all thrive. Never let your identity be a barrier. Instead, let it be your strength and your guide as you navigate your path. Remember, by supporting one another, we create a stronger, more inclusive industry. This journey isn’t always easy, but it is rewarding, especially when we lift each other up and champion each other’s successes.


Compliance Issues for Cannabis Business Owners: Taxation, Liability and the ERTC Program

In this session, the panelists discussed the financial issues surrounding managing a cannabis business without federal legalization and with no ability to use a bank; 280E was discussed along with insurance issues, liability and the ERTC Credit program.

Moderated by Steve Gelsi, MarketWatch; with Sandy Suchoff, Founder, CEO CannaCPAs; Jeff Booker, Founder, COO CannaCoverage; and Tom Sauvageau, Founder, CEO ERTCFiling.

Compliance and Taxation seminar session, CWCBExpo NY, June 2024

(pictured from the left) Jeff Booker, Sandy Suchoff, Tom Sauvageau and and Steve Gels

The CWCBExpo BLOG: Timely News & In Depth Articles

CWCBExpo blogs contain relevant, timely information. Recent subjects include cannabis testing laboratories, packaging, facility security, and legalization and regulatory updates.

A grower holds a cannabis plant in their hands. This could be a home grower, like the advocates pushing for New Jersey legislators to allow home cultivation in the Garden State.
Meet This Exhibitor:

Wilson Safe Company
Booth #335

Wilson Safe Company
A Leader in Cannabis Security
DEA High-Security Safe

Protect your cannabis inventory and cash with our high-security TL-30 safes, a versatile solution designed to meet your unique storage needs. Engineered to withstand 30 minutes of assault from a burglar’s arsenal, including hammers, chisels, grinding wheels, and carbide-tipped drills, these safes provide a robust defense. Moreover, boasting a 1.5-hour fire rating at 1,200 degrees, they ensure the integrity of your valuables even in the face of intense heat. Available in various sizes and configurations, each model offers versatility with options such as lockers, additional shelves, and drawers. Equipped with Group 1R locks mandated for DEA safes, heavy-duty hinges, and robust bolt work, our high-security TL-30 safes stand as an excellent safeguard for your assets.

Wilson Safe Company

Get Your Exhibit Space Today.

CWCBExpo, 11th Annual
June 5 – 6, 2024
Javits Convention Center, NYC
Yacht Party, Liberty View, 2023

Navigating Licensing, Taxes, and Legalization 

Each month, Cannabis World Congress & Business Exposition (CWCBExpo) offers a convenient roundup of the biggest cannabis news stories and hemp headlines emerging across the Northeast. Get these updates in your inbox by subscribing to our email newsletter, or follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter (now X) to get the most recent edition when it’s published.

Welcome to the April 2024 edition of our regional cannabis news update. In this month’s edition, we’re covering the latest updates shaping the northeast cannabis landscape, from New York’s progress in adult-use licensing to efforts in New Jersey to legalize home cultivation. Read on for more detail about what’s happening in the cannabis industry across the region.

New York State Cannabis Control Board approves 101 new adult-use licenses 

On April 12, the New York State Cannabis Control Board (CCB) approved 101 new adult-use licenses, bringing the total number of licenses granted in 2024 to 403. 

The breakdown of the 101 licenses approved includes the following types:

  • Adult-Use Cultivator License: 25
  • Adult-Use Distributor License: 11
  • Adult-Use Microbusiness License: 22
  • Adult-Use Processor License: 8
  • Adult-Use Retail Dispensary License: 25
  • Provisional Adult-Use Retail Dispensary License: 10

“With the Cannabis Control Board’s issuance of 101 adult-use cannabis licenses, New York’s legal cannabis industry continues to make significant progress with over 400 licenses issued in 2024,” said Governor Hochul. “Strengthening New York’s equitable cannabis industry and ensuring the hard-working small business owners operating in the legal market have the licenses to open are the best ways to protect the integrity of sales in New York.”

The CCB also passed a resolution empowering the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) to issue provisional adult-use licenses to streamline the licensing process and promote industry growth. This update will allow provisional licenses to be awarded outside regularly scheduled board meetings. 

New Jersey lawmakers and activists push for home grow legalization 

New Jersey cannabis advocates and lawmakers are applying pressure to legalize home-grown cultivation of cannabis as neighboring states continue to move forward with similar measures. 

Currently, only individuals holding cultivator licenses are permitted to grow cannabis under state law. Individuals, including medical cannabis patients, cannot grow their own plants for personal use in New Jersey. Growing your own cannabis remains a third-degree felony. By contrast, in New York, patients and their caregivers are allowed to grow a limited amount of plants.

Senate President Nicholas Scutari (D) has been a prominent figure in expressing reservations about a home-grow program, citing concerns that it could hinder the growth of the legal cannabis industry and inadvertently bolster the underground market. 

Critics, however, including Chris Goldstein from the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), argue that such hesitancy is misplaced. This highlights the frustration among small business owners, consumers, and patients. Goldstein and other advocates have taken to protesting in front of the New Jersey State House in Trenton to challenge the state and Scutari’s stance. 

“The small business owners I talk to, the consumers, the patients, they say he’s off base,” said Goldstein. “And again, the delay has been really terrible for New Jersey.”

Study finds cannabis could bring $41 million in tax revenue to Pennsylvania in its first year

A study conducted by Pennsylvania’s Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) found the state could eventually generate $271 million in annual tax revenue through legalization of cannabis as proposed by Gov. Josh Shapiro. The estimate takes into account a 20% excise tax on wholesale cannabis alongside revenue from state sales tax. In the inaugural year of legalization, Pennsylvania could expect to see approximately $41 million in tax revenue, the report reads.

The IFO analysis highlights the fact that neighboring states have already enacted legalization measures, potentially limiting Pennsylvania’s revenue as customers seek products across state lines. 

“Currently, all border states except West Virginia have legalized and imposed tax on adult recreational use cannabis. These taxes were enacted recently in Ohio (2023), Maryland (2023), New York (2021), and New Jersey (2020),” reads the report. “Because nearly all border states already tax recreational cannabis, the estimate is not increased for cross border sales that may have occurred in other states that were first to tax recreational marijuana in a region.”

Still, the report suggests that legalization could be a boon for Pennsylvania’s public coffers, adding momentum to the growing cannabis legalization movement in the state’s capital.

Forge cannabis connections at CWCBExpo 

For those seeking to stay informed, network with industry leaders, and continue exploring the latest innovations, there’s no better place than CWCBExpo. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, a budding startup, or simply curious about the industry, we offer a platform to connect, learn, and grow. Register for CWCBExpo today to dive deeper into the world of cannabis and shape the future in the Northeast and beyond. 

Licensing Review in NY, Legal Battles in Hemp, and More

Each month, Cannabis World Congress & Business Exposition (CWCBExpo) offers a convenient roundup of the biggest cannabis news stories and hemp headlines emerging across the Northeast. Get these updates in your inbox by subscribing to our email newsletter, or follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter (now X) to get the most recent edition when it’s published.

March held some big headlines for the Northeast’s cannabis industry, including Pennsylvania lawmakers reigniting legalization discussions and New Jersey’s milestone achievement of surpassing 100 operational cannabis dispensaries. Here are the details you need to know about some of the latest advancements shaping the landscape across the East Coast. 

Hochul orders ‘top-down’ review of New York cannabis licensing process

New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D-NY) has officially ordered a comprehensive “top-down” review of the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) licensing process. Hochul announced the review while recognizing the shortcomings and challenges the existing framework posed following cannabis legalization. The governor enlisted the expertise of Jeanette Moy, the commissioner for the Office of General Services, to overhaul the process and streamline operations. 

According to a press release from the governor’s office, the internal audit will last at least 30 days and include:

  • Top-down review of organizational structure, processes, and systems with a focus on improving OCM license processing times and application-to-opening timeframes for new cannabis retailers and businesses.

  • Development of key performance metrics and an executive-level licensing dashboard to provide the Executive Chamber with a timely, accurate, and comprehensive picture of licensing activity for legal retailers.

  • Identification and implementation of changes to policy, procedure, and regulation (within the bounds of the MRTA) to streamline the licensing process and simplify application and review for prospective licensees.

  • Development of three-month and six-month action plans with organizational change initiatives, milestones, and actions to continue improving agency functions while developing a world-class licensing and regulatory agency for the state’s cannabis industry.

After the 30-day assessment, Moy and her team will consider a prolonged examination of the OCM and its practices.

New York hemp companies sue to overturn new state rules

The New York State Cannabis Control Board (CCB) passed stringent regulations in November 2023, which imposed a mandatory 15-to-1 ratio of CBD to THC in hemp-based products and limited potency to  mg THC per serving or 5mg THC per package.

These rules made an estimated 75% of already available hemp goods suddenly illegal and sparked outrage among state-licensed companies. On March 1, a lawsuit was filed in federal court as a result. 

The lawsuit, brought by 10 hemp companies, alleges the enforcement of these regulations, coupled with aggressive raids targeting the illicit market, has caused significant financial losses for hemp businesses and infringed upon their constitutional rights. According to the lawsuit, the change “drastically limits the products available for market” and will push New York consumers “into the illicit market and underground market.” 

“We will not standby and allow the State to violate Plaintiffs’ constitutional rights, engage in warrantless searches and seizures, and maliciously disrupt their businesses in a misguided effort to shut down unlicensed cannabis stores, which have nothing to do with hemp businesses operating in full compliance with both state and federal law,” Joshua Bauchner, chair of the Cannabis, Hemp and Psychedelics Practice Group at New Jersey-based law firm Mandelbaum Barrett said.

New Jersey surpasses 100 cannabis stores, sales top $2 billion in last six years

New Jersey has achieved a notable milestone in its cannabis industry, officially surpassing 100 cannabis stores. The New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission’s (NJCRC) website confirms the presence of 102 medical and adult-use retail locations statewide. In addition, the group shared that the state’s total cannabis sales over the last six years have exceeded $2 billion. 

“These are early signs of the potential of this market. Sales have grown steadily since Governor Murphy began the work to reform New Jersey’s cannabis market,” said NJCRC Executive Director Jeff Brown in a statement.

Pennsylvania joint committee takes up cannabis legalization as governor renews push for reform

Pennsylvania lawmakers are once again pushing for cannabis legalization, with a recent focus on Prohibition’s criminal justice implications and the potential benefits of reform. Members of the Subcommittee on Health Care and the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Correction convened for a hearing explicitly addressing these issues. 

During the hearing, Representative Dan Frankel, chair of the Health Committee and a previous sponsor of cannabis legalization legislation, expressed confidence in the state’s readiness to advance cannabis reform. “I think we are really well-positioned to move forward with legislation,” said Frankel. 

Rep. Rick Krajewski (D) stressed criminal justice and record expungement as one area lawmakers “really need to get right, and get right on the first time, given what we know about the criminalization of cannabis and the ways it has impacted Black and brown communities, working class communities and the ways in which that record still carries a burden.”

Responsible PA has also formed a coalition focused on calling for the legalization of adult-use cannabis, saying they intend to inform lawmakers as they continue to explore the issue. The coalition brings together patient advocates, doctors, scientists, researchers, laboratories, economic development groups, members of law enforcement, local elected officials, labor, and civil and social equity community organizations from across the state. 

“Pennsylvania has the opportunity to build from the success of its medical cannabis program while ensuring full market access for regulated products,” said Warren County District Attorney Rob Greene (R). “Just as we do with medical cannabis, we can properly regulate adult-use marijuana with stringent health and safety standards backed by regulatory oversight.”

Exploring East Coast cannabis with CWCBExpo 

From legislative debates to market milestones, the East Coast is shaping the future of cannabis. The upcoming CWCBExpo on June 5 and 6 at the Javits Convention Center in New York City promises to be a key event for professionals like yourself, offering networking opportunities and insights. Let’s stay informed, engaged, and proactive in driving positive change and innovation within the industry. 

Lounges Are Coming To NJ, and More

Each month, Cannabis World Congress & Business Exposition (CWCBExpo) offers a convenient roundup of the biggest cannabis news stories and hemp headlines emerging across the nation. Get these updates in your inbox by subscribing to our email newsletter, or follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter (now X) to get the most recent edition when it’s published.

The Northeast cannabis industry is starting the year on the right foot. Here, we’ll take a look at New York, where the cannabis market has surpassed $150 million in total sales and regulators are mulling home grow policy reform and a repeal of the potency tax. And we’ll check in with New Jersey, where cannabis lounges could soon become a reality. Amid such rapid growth and evolution, the need for reliable sources of information is paramount. Join us on a journey through the latest milestones, regulatory shifts, and groundbreaking proposals as we explore the ever-evolving world of cannabis. 

New York cannabis market tops $150M during first year of operations

The New York cannabis market has surged beyond expectations, reaching $150 million in sales during its inaugural year. A report by the New York Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) noted that while just 40 adult-use cannabis dispensaries have opened for business across the state, there were more than 6,900 cannabis industry applications received in 2023, including:

  • 538 cannabis processor applications,
  • 372 cultivation license applications,
  • 351 distributor license applications,
  • 1,349 microbusiness license applications, and
  • 4,324 retail dispensary applications.
  • Of the 6,934 total applications, 3,826 — about 55% — were equity applications, regulators said.

“New York Cannabis has momentum heading into 2024 and we’ll keep working to make this market grow. We have a lot of work to do, and we have much to be proud of; now that the core market architecture is in place, my team at OCM is ready to scale and help this industry thrive across New York State,” OCM Executive Director Chris Alexander said in a statement. 

New York governor proposes repealing cannabis potency tax 

Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) is calling for the elimination of the THC potency tax as a part of her executive budgets, aiming to reduce costs for consumers in a way that would make the regulated market more competitive against illicit operators. 

Hochul’s proposal replaces the potency tax with a wholesale excise tax of 9% in an attempt to “simplify, streamline, and reduce the tax collection obligations and burden for cultivators, processors, and distributors.” Cannabis would still be subject to the existing 9% state retail excise tax and 4% local retail excise tax, as well. 

The brief for the budget changes says the tax changes would “promote and support the expansion of the legal adult-use cannabis market” and also result in $6.5 million in tax revenue for localities. Hochul’s budget proposes $68.1 million in funding for the OCM in the next fiscal year.

New York officials will vote on home cultivation rules in February

New York regulators will vote on a set of proposed regulations for home grow for adult use. The proposal comes more than a year after adult-use sales began in the state. 

The proposal rules would allow adults to grow up to three mature and three immature cannabis plants in their home. The proposal includes a per household limit of six mature plants and six immature plants per private resident, regardless of the number of adults who live there. 

Other proposed rules include: 

  • Individuals can only cultivate at a single location
  • Landlords will not be able to prevent tenants from growing cannabis and will be able to determine whether to install other mitigation policies 
  • Those residing in federal or federally-subsidized housing will not be able to cultivate at home 
  • Home-grown cannabis cannot be shared or gifted 

If passed, adults would also be permitted to keep up to five pounds of cannabis at a time that they have obtained from the legal plants they grow. Currently, adults can possess up to three ounces of cannabis in New York, so this would represent a major increase in the amount of cannabis that is legal to possess.

If the Cannabis Control Board (CCB) approves the proposed rules, a 60-day public comment period would begin. If no significant changes are made based on that period, the OCM will submit the regulations for final approval. A revised proposal would be followed by a 45-day public comment period, so it would still be some months before the rules were implemented if approved.

New Jersey regulators finalize plans for cannabis lounges

Regulators in New Jersey have officially signed off on rules governing the operation of cannabis consumption lounges and are expected to review applications in the coming months. Under the plan, dispensary owners would be eligible to open no more than one lounge, with an associated fee of $1,000 for microbusiness and $5,000 for standard businesses. 

Patrons must be 21 years of age or older to purchase or use cannabis products on-site in these lounges. Notably, medical cannabis patients will be permitted to bring their own products. Sales of food and alcohol will be prohibited. However, customers may be able to bring their own food or order food for delivery, mirroring the rules for New Jersey breweries, wineries, and distilleries. 

Navigating the shifting landscape

To stay at the forefront of major developments facing the cannabis industry throughout the Northeast, CWCBExpo remains your ultimate resource, offering the insights you need to succeed in cannabis. Subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social media to ensure you don’t miss a beat.

Tremaine Wright to Deliver First Public Speech at CWCBExpo

Press Release - November 1, 2021

CWCBExpo logo
November 4 - 6, 2021, New York City, Javits Convention Center
Tremaine Wright, Chair New York State Cannabis Control Board to Deliver First Public Speech at CWCBExpo New York

Lieutenant Governor Brian A. Benjamin Leads Opening “Ribbon Cutting”

to Acknowledge Getting Back to Business with CWCBExpo at Javits Center, Nov 4 – 6



Lt. Governor Brian A. Benjamin and Tremaine Wright

(Paramus, NJ, November 2021)—CWCBExpo New York is pleased to announce that the recently appointed Chair of New York’s Cannabis Control Board, Tremaine Wright will make her first public presentation at CWCBExpo New York on Nov. 4th. Ms. Wright leads the five member oversight board charge with approving a comprehensive regulatory framework for New York’s cannabis industry and will oversee licensing of cannabis businesses.

On behalf of New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul, Lieutenant Governor Brian A. Benjamin will officially open CWCBExpo New York at its “Ribbon Cutting Ceremony,” also on Nov. 4th. His participation is in recognition of New York’s historical passing of the Marijuana Regulation & Taxation Act (MRTA) which immediately legalized adult-use. His presence also signifies New York City’s success in getting back to business and in-person events at the Javits Convention Center. CWCBExpo New York, Nov. 4-6, is the first and longest running cannabis event at the Javits Center and in New York City, and has become the premier B2B trade show and conference on the East Coast.

Also in attendance all three days at CWCBExpo New York, will be members of the New York State Office of Cannabis Management whose goal is to ensure social justice, public health and safety, and economic development through a comprehensive regulatory framework that centralizes licensing, enforcement and economic development functions.

—Dan Harris, Author, Podcaster, Entrepreneur, and former ABC News anchor and correspondent, In Conversation with Christopher “CJ” Wallace and Willie Mack of Think BIG and Frank White

—New York: From Illicit into the Light with Hillary Peckham, Etain;  Tim Seymour, CNBC Fast Money; Vladimir Bautista, Happy Munkey; and David Feldman, Skip Intro Advisors

—Coast to Coast MSOs Keynote Perspectives with Faye Coleman, Pure Genesis and Calvin Frye, Cloneville

—“Inside the Industry – Thought Leadership Series,” over the 3-day conference this series will takes a deep dive into the state of the industry today, discuss its challenges and provide solutions, and project what’s next for this burgeoning industry, hosted by Geoff Whaling, National Hemp Association and Matthew Anderson, Vanguard Scientific

—Michael J. Woods of Big Sun Holdings Group, owners of Black Buffalo 3D Printing, on the Day 3 What’s Next Thought Leadership Series discussing the innovative work Black Buffalo has been doing in the area of 3D printing and how their research and development has created a viable sustainable solution and practical impact on manufacturing for building homes, buildings, industrial campuses, and just about anything else.

CWCBExpo New York will also have a dynamic expo floor on the expansive third level of the Javits Center (Hall 3A). The most innovative product, service and technology companies will showcase their solutions for the entire cannabis ecosystem.

Starting November 1th through November 7 , CWCBExpo Cannabis Week, in collaboration with community organizations, non-profits and cultural events in the New York and tri-state region, will bring the entire industry together for added networking, business building and fun! Download the guide here: https://cwcbexpo.wpengine.com/cannabis-week/

To register and secure the best pre-show pricing go to: https://cwcbexpo.wpengine.com/registration_ny. For more information on limited prime exhibit space and sponsorship opportunities, email: sales@cannabismeansbusiness.com or call 201-580- 2050.

About Cannabis World Congress & Business Exposition (CWCBExpo)

CWCBExpo is a business-to-business trade show event for the legalized cannabis and hemp industry. It is held in the largest business, financial, and media markets. It is the leading forum for dispensary owners, growers, suppliers, investors, medical professionals, government regulators, legal counsel, and entrepreneurs looking to achieve business success and identify new areas of growth in this dynamic and fast-growing industry. Visit: www.cannabismeansbusiness.com.

Editor's Note:

Qualified members of the media are invited to register as press for CWCBExpo New York, email: press@cannabismeansbusiness.com

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