Original Queens of Cannabis, 2024

Hot Summer. Hot Topics. Hot Entrepreneurs.

Hot Summer. Hot Topics.
Hot Entrepreneurs.

The OQs, June 2024
The OQs, June 2024, (from the left) Tanya Osborne, Saki Fenderson, Britni Tantalo, Jessica Naissant, and Kymberly "KymB" Byrnes

The Hottest Entrepreneurs

In this newsletter, we are delighted to share a hot topic from the 10th Annual CWCBExpo 2024: “Journey to Legitimacy: The OGs and OQs of Cannabis.”

This session is steaming hot with our industry’s bravest, courageous and committed who are building and transforming the industry legally, legitimately and enthusiastically. These entrepreneurs and business owners share their stories with passion and heart. Be sure to watch this poignant session of our lovable and remarkable Original Gangsters and Original Queens on their individual journeys to legitimacy.

Read more about these sessions at the bottom of this newsletter.

The OGs, June 2024
The OGs, June 2024 (from the left) Christopher Louie, Hawaii Mike Salman, Coss Marte, Puma Robinson, and Jayson Tantalo
Federal Regulatory Cannabis News

Rescheduling Decision Delayed

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has delayed Rescheduling cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III and has set a hearing for December 2, 2024. As we reported in our July Newsletter, the public comment period terminated with the DEA receiving over 40,000 comments. Now, Administrator Anne Milgram set a hearing to gather even more input before a decision is made. Who is going to attend this hearing? Who is going to present reasons for and against rescheduling at this hearing?

New York State Cannabis News
New York State Governor Kathy Hochul Announces Shutdown of Over 1,000 Illicit Shops

Governor Kathy Hochul is keeping her commitment to shutting down illicit cannabis shops across New York. Heading into August, Governor Hochul reported that she and NYC Mayor Adams successfully shuttered more than 1,000 illicit shops statewide. This action has helped increase  sales for the legal shops. Seizures of illegal products are estimated to have been worth over $63MM.

“I am pleased to join Mayor Adams and other officials to celebrate a milestone and recognize the enforcement teams who shut down more than 1,000 unlicensed stores statewide, bringing us closer to our goal of building the strongest, most equitable cannabis industry in the nation.”

– NYS Governor Kathy Hochul

New York State Government
Licensing News from the Office of Cannabis Management, Cannabis Control Board

The New York State Cannabis Control Board (CCB) held a board meeting August 6th and the meeting minutes reported that the cannabis industry is thriving with legal dispensary openings across the state. Cannabis sales are increasing as more illicit shops get shut down. Some notable assertions and resolutions from the August 6th meeting minutes include:

  • Social and Economic Equity Update
  • Enforcement Update
  • Market Update*
  • Adult Use Application Review
  • Public Comments

*It says NYS legal cannabis sales surpassed $492M.

NYS OCM Office of Cannabis Management

Congratulations to These Recent Adult-Use Dispensary Openings

Purple Owl Dispensary
WHITE PLAINS | 405 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains 10605
Website: https://thepurpleowldispensary.com/

RISE Dispensary East Syracuse
EAST SYRACUSE | 6701 Manlius Center Road, East Syracuse 13057
Website: https://risecannabis.com

WHITE PLAINS | 145-18 14th Avenue, White Plains 11357
Website: risecannabis.com

LotusWorks Wellness
BEACON | 251 Main Street, Beacon 12508
Website: https://lotusworkswellness.com

400 River Dispensary
TROY | 400 River Street, Troy, 12180
Website: https://400rivertroy.com

Chronic Brooklyn
NEW YORK CITY | 483 3rd Avenue, Brooklyn 11215
Website: https://chronicbrooklyn.com

Green Philosophy 716
WEST SENECA | 101 Slade Avenue, West Seneca, 14224
Website: https://gp716.com

NEW YORK CITY | 862 9th Avenue, New York 10019
Website: https://cannadreams.nyc

NUG Yonkers
YONKERS | 2371 Central Park Avenue, Yonkers 10710
Website: https://nug.com/nug-cannabis-yonkers

Treehouse Cannabis

NYACK | 28 Route 59, Nyack 10960
Website: https://treehousecannabis.com

County Road Cannabis
HUDSON VALLEY | 1326 CR-12, New Hampton 10958
Website: https://countyrdcannabis.com

KushKlub NYC
NEW YORK CITY | 186 Orchard Street, New York 10002
Website: https://kushklub.com

Salmon River Cannabis Company
PULASKI | 3808 State Route 13, Pulaski 13142
Website: https://salmonrivercannabis.com

Happy Munkey
NEW YORK CITY | 151 Dyckman Street, New York 10040
Website: https://happymunkey.com

The People’s Joint
SCHENECTADY | 501 State Street, Schenectady 12305
Website: https://thepeoplesjoint.com

New Jersey Cannabis News

New Jersey Seeking Stakeholder Input on Medical Cannabis

This September and October, the New jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission will host scheduled virtual sessions that seek input from stakeholders of medicinal cannabis, including healthcare providers, patients, and business owners.

There will be four such virtual meetings. The meetings will be roundtables led by the Product Safety, Packaging & Labeling Committee, the Permitting & Licensing Committee, and the Public Engagement & Education Committee.

Stakeholders are invited to share feedback with the Board on key issues related to regulation, patient access, and institutional care in New Jersey.

The meetings are scheduled 11:30 am to 12:30 pm on each of the following dates:
  • September 5
  • September 23
  • September 25
  • October 1

The sessions will each be focused on specific topics, so make sure you check for more information.  Click here to get the full listings.

If you want to participate in any of the meetings, click here. (Invitations are required in order to participate, and you will need to fill out an invitation request form.)

NJ Cannabis Regulatory Commission
Ohio Cannabis News

Ohio Cannabis Sales are Hot

On August 6th, Ohio started its Adult Sales and right out of the starting gate, sales were hot. In its first week it passed $11.5MM and continued its successful climb since. Combined medical and Adult Use is expected to be a billion dollar market.

Read the story from the Cannabis Business Times.

Cannabis Business Times
Ukraine Cannabis News

Medical Cannabis Available

As of August 16th, medical cannabis was made available in Ukraine to veterans with post traumatic stress disorder and patients with serious illnesses. We reported in previous newsletters that President Zelensky signed into law a bill legalizing medical cannabis on February 15, 2024. Distribution of medical cannabis will be controlled by the government. Patients with a prescription from a doctor for qualifying conditions can now buy the drug legally.



OGs, June 2024
OGs, June 2024, (from the left) Hawaii Mike Salman, Jayson Tantalo, Coss Marte, Puma Robinson, and Christopher Louie

Journey to Legitimacy: The OGs and OQs of Cannabis

This exciting session is being featured in two segments that share the journeys of those who started with illicit cannabis business practices and have pivoted to building legal cannabis businesses.

Hear the personal and poignant stories from “OGs” (original gangsters) and “OQs” (original queens) and learn about their journeys to legitimacy. Their stories are impactful and are not to be missed.

Segment 1: Journey of the “OGs”
Moderator: Hawaii Mike Salman, Founder, Chef for Higher
Speakers: Christopher Louie, Co-Founder, Made in Xiaolin; Coss Marte, Founder ConBud, Entrepreneur; Puma Robinson, Entrepreneur, Actor, Music Producer; Jayson Tantalo, Co-Founder & COO, Metavega Corp., Flower City Hydropoincs, and Flower City Dispensary, Co-Founder & VP of Operations, New York Cannabis Retail Association

Segment 2: Journey of the “OQs”
Moderator: Tanya Osborne, Founder & CEO, The CannaDiva
Speakers: Kymberly Byrnes, Co-Founder & Chief marketing Officer, TribeTokes; Saki Fenderson, Speaker, educator, community activist; Jessica Naissant, Owner, CEO, Wake & Bake Café; Britni Tantalo, Co-Founder and President, New York Cannabis Retail Association; Co-Founder and President of Flower City Dispensary

OQs, June 2024
OQs, June 2024, (from the left) Tanya Osborne, Saki Fenderson, Britni Tantalo, Jessica Naissant, and Kymberly "KymB" Byrnes

Don’t miss out. Get prime exhibit space now.

CWCBExpo, 11th Annual
June 4 – 5, 2025
Javits Convention Center, NYC


Cy Scott, CEO, Headset

Where is the Industry? What Will Happen With Rescheduling? The Comment Period is Over.

The Future is Upon Us. Where is the Industry?
What Will Happen With Rescheduling?
The Comment Period is Over.

What is the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) going to do now?

In our May and June newsletters we noted that the DEA was accepting public comments on rescheduling cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III. The public comment period is now over. The DEA has over 40,000 comments to sift through. What will the DEA do? What is a likely outcome? And will the impending election have any impact if the DEA does not have a decision or has not taken action prior to the election?

According to the latest HEADSET analysis, 94% of respondents favored rescheduling or descheduling cannabis.

Read the latest from HEADSET.

HEADSET’s Cy Scott delivered the Industry Update at CWCBExpo New York on June 5.  At that time, the comments were already overwhelmingly favorable for rescheduling or descheduling.  Listen to Cy’s entire presentation on this month’s archived video.

“If they take these comments seriously and really take into account what the people are saying, this is pretty overwhelming, right?

“You’re going to see new investors coming in, new opportunity, and more capital available, which is good, especially for an emerging market like New York.”

– Cy Scott, at CWCBExpo, June 5, 2024

Cy Scott, Co-founder. CEO, Headset
New York State Cannabis News

Licensing News from the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM), Cannabis Control Board (CCB) 


  • Issuing more licenses across several categories bringing the total for 2024 to 730
  • Amendments to packaging, labeling and marketing regulations for licensees
  • Ongoing efforts to padlock illicit shops across NYC and NYS
New York State Government

At the meeting, the CCB asserted that the cannabis industry in NYS is thriving and growing and that cannabis sales in 2024 will reach $200MM by this June. They said that to date, NYS cannabis sales have surpassed $420MM.

NYS OCM Office of Cannabis Management

Recent Adult-Use Dispensary Openings

Just A Little Higher Murray Hill
NEW YORK CITY | 628 2nd Avenue, New York 10016
Website: justalittlehigher.com


Stoops NYC
NEW YORK CITY | 182 Fifth Ave, New York 10010
Website: stoopsnyc.com


RISE Dispensary Halfmoon
HALFMOON | 1675 Route 9, Watkins Plaza, Halfmoon 12065
Website: risecannabis.com


Riverbend Dispensary
HUDSON | 531 Warren Street, Hudson 12534
Website: riverbenddispensary.com


Happy Times Cannabis Co.
CHEEKTOWAGA | 3807 Harlem Road, Cheektowaga 14215
Website: happytimescannabis.com


Silver Cannabis Company
SARATOGA SPRINGS | 75 Weibel Avenue, Saratoga Springs 12866
Website: silver-therapeutics.com/location/saratoga/


Twisted Cannabis FLX
GENEVA | 501 Exchange Street, Geneva 14456


Kings House of Fire
CORTLANDT MANOR | 3006 E Main Street, Cortlandt Manor 10567
Website: kingshouseoffire.com


Green Genius NYC
NEW YORK CITY | 214 3rd Avenue, New York 10003
Website: greengeniusnyc.com


Cussin’s Cannabis
SCHENECTADY | 2075 Central Avenue, Schenectady 12304
Website: cussinscanna.com


Polanco Brothers Ridgewood
NEW YORK CITY | 6633 Fresh Pond Road, Ridgewood 11385
Website: polancobrothersridgewood.com


NEW YORK CITY | 109 E Taft Road, North Syracuse, 13212
Website: herb-z.com


Robinson’s Dispensary
ALBANY | 106 Everett Road, Albany, 12205


Arkansas, Nebraska and North Dakota Cannabis News

New Ballot Measures

Cannabis advocates in several states organized and gathered signatures to get legalization measures on their 2024 state ballots. The advocates in three states, Arkansas, Nebraska and North Dakota, had more than enough signatures to get the respective measures on the ballots. Arkansas and Nebraska seek medical ballot measures while the North Dakota ballot measure supports adult-use legalization.

Delaware Cannabis News

Transitioning Dispensaries from Medical to Adult Use

Delaware Governor John Carney signed a legislative bill that allows a pathway for medical licensees and dispensaries to transition to adult-use operators. That pathway has fees to transition. The bill is meant to catapult the development of the adult-use cannabis market.

South Africa Cannabis News

South Africa Works to Build its Cannabis and Hemp Sectors

In November of 2023, CWCBExpo editors visited the South African Consulate in New York City to discuss developing a cannabis industry. CWCBExpo has  been following that country’s cannabis progress since our visit. Here are the latest developments.

South Africa has embarked on several priorities for their country’s Investment Strategy that will spur job creation and growth, and foster recognition of people’s rights.

This past spring, South African President Ramaphosa took significant action regarding the Cannabis and Hemp sectors. In May, President Ramaphosa signed a law called the Cannabis for Private Purposes Act (CfPPA) which regulates the cultivation, possession and use of cannabis by adults in private settings. It also removed cannabis from their Drugs and Drug Trafficking Act. The President’s action opens up the medical market even further for the medicinal cannabis and for further regulatory opportunity for cannabis use among adults.

President Ramaphosa’s actions continued in June when he took the results of a Phakisa that explored the Cannabis and Hemp sectors. A “Phakisa” is a targeted program that seeks to fast-track the government’s targets and goals that help business, education, society and government. The Phakisa for cannabis and hemp brought stakeholders together from several groups. The goal was to develop a cohesive plan to define policy and get various sectors of the South African government to work together to build a meaningful regulatory program for the cannabis and hemp sectors.

President Cyril Ramaphosa
Art installation of South African record labels inside the South African Consulate in New York City, November 2023
Art installation of South African record labels inside the South African Consulate in New York City, November 2023.


Industry Update by Cy Scott:
“Trends, Challenges and Opportunities –
Why New York is the Market to Watch in the Midst of Rescheduling”

This Industry Update, recorded at CWCBExpo on June 5, 2024, gives us a big-picture overview of the adult-use market across the United States including the implications of rescheduling from a Schedule I to a Schedule III classification. Also addressed are growth market trends, consumer behavior preferences and sales of different form factors. The data and analytics focuses on the New York Market and why you should put it front and center in your sights. This is a not to be missed market analysis.

Presented by Cy Scott, Co-Founder, CEO, Headset, with Tim Seymour, Portfolio Manager, CNBS Cannabis ETF; Co-Host, CNBC Fast Money.

Cy Scott and Tim Seymour, June 5 2024 at CWCBExpo NY

((from the left) Cy Scott and Tim Seymour

Don’t miss out. Get prime exhibit space now.

CWCBExpo, 11th Annual
June 4 – 5, 2025
Javits Convention Center, NYC


PA Mulls Adult-Use as NY Expands Licenses

Each month, Cannabis World Congress & Business Exposition (CWCBExpo) offers a convenient roundup of the biggest cannabis news stories and hemp headlines emerging across the northeast. Get these updates in your inbox by subscribing to our email newsletter, or follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter (now X) to get the most recent edition when it’s published. 


June 2024 was a dynamic month for cannabis news across the Northeast. From big strides toward potential adult use legalization in Pennsylvania to a key expansion of New York’s adult use market, this month’s update underscores the transformative potential of legalization not only economically, but also in fostering safety, equity and innovation. We’re also looking back at another great year for CWCBExpo and thanking everyone who joined us earlier this month. Let’s dive in!


CWCBExpo 2024 was a resounding success 

CWCBExpo kicked off with a bang on June 4, featuring pre-show events and workshops on topics like dispensaries, cultivation, and more. The expo floor, open from 10 am to 5 pm over two days, showcased a range of exhibits presenting the industry’s latest products, services, and technologies. The programming offered informative sessions on everything from regulatory updates to investment strategies and market trends. 


Notable highlights included Glenna’s Cannabis Creations, Let Mom Sleep, and HappySap CBD-infused Vermont maple syrup. Dispensaries like The Other Side Cannabis from Jersey City represented the local area, while companies like GrowPros Solutions and TrufflyMade showed off their products and services. 


This year’s expo guest of honor was Josh Kesselman, founder and CEO of HBI International, known for the popular RAW Rolling Papers. 


“The CWCBExpo was RAWesome! I was honored to give the keynote in my birthplace of New York City, which I consider the birthplace of RAW. I believe that New York is the epicenter of cannabis,” Kesselman shared with Cannabis Now. “Which is why it was so important to me that I speak with our entrepreneurial market makers and do my best to help guide them through this transitional period, towards a New York cannabis market that provides opportunities to all of us. We all get higher together, especially when you have a New York State of mind!”


PA lawmakers preparing recreational cannabis bill 

In Harrisburg, PA, lawmakers are gearing up to introduce a new bill aimed at legalizing cannabis for adult use in Pennsylvania. The proposed legislation seeks to eliminate the illicit market, foster the growth of small businesses, and provide avenues for expunging certain cannabis-related convictions. 


Additionally, it: 


  • Establishes robust guidelines for the labeling, packaging, and advertising of products to ensure that products are not marketed to children and adolescents;
  • Implements a “clean slate” policy and criminal justice reforms for residents with cannabis-related convictions;
  • Provides funding and support for law enforcement to enforce cannabis regulations;
  • Provides funding for local municipalities with cannabis businesses;
  • Leverages our agricultural infrastructure and supports local farmers;
  • Generates new revenue for the state and creates jobs.

“I think it’s well past time for us to legalize cannabis,” said State Representative Emily Kinkead, a Democrat representing Allegheny County and prime sponsor of the soon-to-be-introduced bill. “The governor has estimated that it would bring about $500 million within five years,” she said. “I think that’s actually a pretty conservative estimate.”


Gov. Kathy Hochul announces more adult-use licenses 

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) unveiled an expansion of New York’s adult-use cannabis sector at the latest Cannabis Control Board (CCB) meeting. The board approved 105 adult-use cannabis licenses across all factions of the industry, setting the stage for increased economic activity and innovation within the market. The breakdown of the 105 license types approved includes:


  • 25 Adult-Use Cultivator Licenses
  • 22 Adult-Use Distributor Licenses
  • 22 Adult-Use Microbusiness Licenses
  • 19 Adult-Use Processor Licenses
  • 17 Adult-Use Retail Dispensary Licenses 

The CCB also approved a resolution to adopt the following regulations for home-grow: 


  • Adults can grow up to six plants individually.
  • Maximum of 12 plants per household.
  • Registered medical cannabis patients can have a designated caregiver grow on their behalf, provided no one can exceed the maximum of 12 plants per household.

“New York is building a robust and equitable legal market that is driving significant economic growth within our communities,” Governor Hochul said in a statement. “The issuance of 105 additional adult-use licenses is just the next step in developing the nation-leading industry New Yorkers expect and deserve.”


PA could see up to $2.8 billion in adult-use sales in first year

According to Marijuana Moment, reports indicate that PA could experience a substantial economic benefit from legalizing adult-use cannabis, with projected sales ranging from $1.7 billion to $2.8 billion in the first year alone. Collaboratively produced by advocacy group Responsible PA and FTI Consulting, the analysis forecasts potential tax revenues of up to $720 million through a combination of retail sales and excise taxes. Moreover, legalization could generate between 26,250 and 44,500 new jobs, drawing comparisons from other states and insights from PA’s existing medical market. 


“Nearly two-thirds of the jobs supported by the adult-use market would be direct cannabis jobs, with the remaining third supported indirectly or through induced spending,” states the report.


Stay connected with CWCBExpo 

Stay informed year-round by subscribing to the CWCBExpo email newsletter or following us on social media, where we continue to track and analyze the evolving landscape of cannabis legalization and business development across the region.

Our Industry’s Biggest Holiday, Legalization, Enforcement Authority and MORE

Our Industry’s Biggest Holiday, Legalization, Enforcement Authority, Spring is Here, Opportunity…Bring It All On!

“Unlicensed dispensaries have littered New York neighborhoods, blatantly circumventing our laws and selling potentially dangerous products. Enough is enough. I promised to protect our communities and hard-working, legal cannabis licensees by expediting the closure of illicit storefronts. I’m proud to stand up and say we got it done.”


New York State Governor Kathy Hochul


NYS Gov Hochul and NYC Mayor Adams
NY Governor Hochul (right) unveils new initiatives to shut down illicit cannabis operations and protect the legal marketplace. NYC Mayor Adams is on the left.

New York State (NYS) Governor Kathy Hochul and the NYS Legislature vowed to support and fund the closures of the illicit cannabis smoke shops across NYS and New York City (NYC) – and they have included funding in the 2025 NYS budget to do it. The approved budget that was passed this April vows to shut down illegal cannabis operations. An immediate action of this approved budget is that NYC Mayor Eric Adams is getting the immediate authority to use New York City’s enforcement powers to inspect, issue violations, and seize cannabis and padlock stores.


“New Yorkers are fed up with illegal smoke shops and their unlawful business practices, but our administration worked hard to make our voices heard in Albany, and working with Governor Hochul and our state partners, we are proud to say we got it done. New York City will finally be able to use the full force of the law to inspect, enforce, and shut down illegal dispensaries. These measures, combined with our already robust enforcement efforts, will help keep the playing field level and push back against the quality-of-life issues that have resulted from the proliferation of illegal smoke shops. We will continue to work with our partners in Albany to give aspiring entrepreneurs, especially those who have been justice-involved, a chance to succeed.”

NYC Mayor Eric Adams
4/20 Love Story

This April’s 4/20 had numerous events all over. We share one New York 4/20 love story that celebrates the union of two people who wed on 4/20/24 while highlighting the cannabis plant.

On 4/20, the wedding of Evan Ross Katz, writer and podcaster, and Billy Jacobson, an engineer, took place in Chelsea in New York City. Congratulations!

The New York Times

Dispensary Openings

April saw many dispensary openings across NYC and NYS. Congratulations to the family-owned dispensary “Big Gas” which is the 100th adult-use in-store sales cannabis dispensary to open in New York. They are located in New Paltz.

Below are some of the many openings in April.

Evergreen Retail
FINGER LAKES | 51 N. Main Street, Brockport 14420
Website: www.evergreennyretail.com     

Platinum Leaf
ROCK HILL | 196 Rock Hill Drive, Rock Hill 12275
Website: www.theplatinumleaf.com   

Late Bloomers NYC
RIDGEWOOD | 57-01 Myrtle Avenue, Ridgewood 11385
Website: www.latebloomers-nyc.com


Flower Power Dispensers
NEW YORK CITY | 22 West 66th Street, New York 10023
Website: www.flowerpowerdispensers.com    


Devil’s Lettuce
WEST SENECA | 650 Orchard Park Road, West Seneca 14224
Website: www.devilslettuce.net

Planet Nugg
FARMINGDALE | 2043 Wellwood Avenue, Farmingdale 11735

Website: www.planetnugg.com   

East Leaf Dispensary

CHEEKTOWAGA | 2442 Clinton Street,
Cheektowaga 14224

Loudpack Exotics
SYRACUSE | 6606 Kinne Road, Syracuse 13214
Website: www.loudpackexotics.com

Mary Janes – A Legacy 2 Legal Dispensary
BUFFALO | 440 Normal Avenue, Buffalo 14213

Leafology Cannabis Company
WHITE PLAINS | 244 Main Street, White Plains 10601
Website: www.leafologycannabiscompany.com

Misha’s Flower Shop
BROOKLYN | 299 Knickerbocker Avenue, Brooklyn 11237
Website: www.mishasflowershop.com

Canna Life NY Inc (dba Hii)
BROOKLYN | 152 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn 11249
Website: www.hiinyc.com

Purple Plains
POUND RIDGE | 32 Westchester Avenue, Pound Ridge 10576
Website: www.purpleplains.com

Big Gas Dispensary (the 100th Adult Use Dispensary to Open in New York)
NEW PALTZ | 98 N Chestnut Street, New Paltz 12561
Website: www.biggasdispensary.com

CONBUD (Canna Summit)

BRONX | 2412 Third Avenue, Bronx 10454
Website: www.conbudbx.com

Blue Forest Farms Dispensary

NEW YORK CITY | 122 E 25th Street, New York 10010
Website: coming soon

The Weed Shoppe
STATEN ISLAND | 4906 Arthur Kill Road, Staten Island 10309

Elevate Soho Cannabis
NEW YORK CITY | 481 Broadway, New York 10013
Website: www.elevatesohocannabis.com

NYC Licensing News

This month, the NYS Office of Cannabis Management (NYSOCM) was given the authority by the Cannabis Control Board (CCB) to issue 101 new provisional adult-use licenses to applicants across several segments of the supply chain including: retailers, microbusinesses, cultivators, processors and distributors. The measure was granted during an April 11 meeting of the CCB. This new authority allows the NYSOCM to grant  provisional licenses faster but ultimately, the CCB will still have to approve the final license.

The latest news from the NYSOCM for April includes the stats below since March 2021 when the NYS Marijuana Retail and Taxation Act (MRTA) passed:

  • Total Legal Revenue Sales have reached an impressive $263MM
  • 403 Adult-use Licenses have been awarded
  • Approximately 7,000 jobs across NYS have been created
  • Plus many more
NYS OCM Office of Cannabis Management
New Jersey News

New Jersey Celebrates Cannabis Milestones

This April 2024 marks a 3-year milestone for the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission, while celebrating a 2-year milestone for recreational cannabis sales. As part of their impressive achievements, in 2023 the NJCRC reached over $800MM in cannabis sales and expects to reach $1B in 2024.

For more information on the accomplishments that the CRC and the New Jersey cannabis industry have made regarding licensing, social equity, dispensary openings, ancillary services, their medical cannabis program, and plans for consumption lounges, click here.


NJ Cannabis Regulatory Commission
Celebrating three years of growth and equity in New Jersey cannabis
Nationwide News

Federal Regulatory News: Descheduling vs. Rescheduling

The buzz about descheduling and rescheduling of cannabis continues and will continue until the DEA makes a decision. Among the latest developments around descheduling is the formation of a legislative group who are pushing to have marijuana removed from Schedule 1. The group sent a letter requesting the descheduling to Attorney General Merrick Garland and to Anne Milgram of the DEA.

The group of signers of this letter includes:

  • Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts
  • Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania
  • Representative Barbara Lee of California
  • Senator Chuck Schumer of New York
  • Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont
  • Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York
  • Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey
  • Representative Earl Blumenauer of Oregon
  • …and others

Cannabis Industry Stats

The editors of CWCBExpo want to share an industry statistics this post from Lookah.com. Lookah has gathered extensive stats about cannabis and where it is headed in 2024. It’s very interesting.

Featured Interview:  Dawne Morris

Dawne Morris – CEO, Co-Founder, PROTEUS Business Solution, PROTEUS420

This month, we feature a brief interview with Dawne Morris, Co-Founder and CEO of Proteus420, an online enterprise resource planning (ERP) system for the cannabis industry. Dawne is a nationally-recognized cannabis entrepreneur who has been named a Top Women to Watch in Marijuana Venture magazine.

An entrepreneur, a technologist and an advocate, Dawne is a champion of our industry, of women and of the cannabis community. We share our conversation below.

CWCBExpo – Did you ever doubt yourself and how did you overcome that self-doubt?

Dawne – Being a woman in the predominantly male sectors of cannabis and technology has presented numerous moments where self-doubt could have crept in. However, I make it a point not to entertain those doubts. As a professional at the helm of a business, my focus is on running my company efficiently; I don’t have the luxury of time to prove myself to others. Whenever I face uncertainty, I rely on my expertise and knowledge, reminding myself of the path I took to get here. My primary aim is to stay focused and achieve my goals—recognition from others, while appreciated, is secondary.

Dawne Morris

“I don’t have the luxury of time to prove myself to others. Whenever I face uncertainty, I rely on my expertise and knowledge, reminding myself of the path I took to get here.”

CWCBExpo – Who was your role model growing up and what impressed you most about that person?

Dawne – My greatest influence has undoubtedly been my father, a skilled cannabis grower who deeply educated me about the plant’s healing potentials. Growing up as a proponent of cannabis, we were cautious to keep our discussions within the home due to potential backlash. Unfortunately, my father passed away six years ago, and expanding our business into the cannabis sector has been a way to honor his legacy. It’s not just about business growth; it’s about continuing his advocacy and educational efforts in a field where I truly thrive. As the world became more accepting of cannabis, my husband and I recognized the opportunity to integrate this personal mission into our professional endeavors.

CWCBExpo – Who is your best friend – OK – who are your “2 besties”?

Dawne – My husband David is undoubtedly my best friend. We’ve experienced so much together, and each morning I wake up eager to face new challenges and adventures alongside him. Additionally, I consider my granddaughters as my other best friends—so technically, I have three best friends. They inspire me daily to be a better person, someone they can admire and learn from. Watching them grow has been one of the greatest lessons of my life, and I cherish every moment with my three best friends!

CWCBExpo – You have been a champion of women, tech, and cannabis as you worked your way up, and you are a true believer in community. What advice do you have for women entrepreneurs in our industry?

“This journey isn’t always easy, but it is rewarding, especially when we lift each other up and champion each other’s successes.”

Dawne – I’ve always been passionate about supporting women in tech and cannabis, industries where we are still underrepresented. My advice to women entrepreneurs in our industry is encapsulated beautifully by Maya Angelou, who said, “Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.” This underscores the importance of courage in our endeavors. It’s crucial to stay true to yourself and remember that you are here for a reason. Your unique insights and contributions are incredibly valuable.

I encourage women to actively connect with and uplift other women in the space. Building a supportive community is not just about networking—it’s about creating a space where we can all thrive. Never let your identity be a barrier. Instead, let it be your strength and your guide as you navigate your path. Remember, by supporting one another, we create a stronger, more inclusive industry. This journey isn’t always easy, but it is rewarding, especially when we lift each other up and champion each other’s successes.


Compliance Issues for Cannabis Business Owners: Taxation, Liability and the ERTC Program

In this session, the panelists discussed the financial issues surrounding managing a cannabis business without federal legalization and with no ability to use a bank; 280E was discussed along with insurance issues, liability and the ERTC Credit program.

Moderated by Steve Gelsi, MarketWatch; with Sandy Suchoff, Founder, CEO CannaCPAs; Jeff Booker, Founder, COO CannaCoverage; and Tom Sauvageau, Founder, CEO ERTCFiling.

Compliance and Taxation seminar session, CWCBExpo NY, June 2024

(pictured from the left) Jeff Booker, Sandy Suchoff, Tom Sauvageau and and Steve Gels

The CWCBExpo BLOG: Timely News & In Depth Articles

CWCBExpo blogs contain relevant, timely information. Recent subjects include cannabis testing laboratories, packaging, facility security, and legalization and regulatory updates.

A grower holds a cannabis plant in their hands. This could be a home grower, like the advocates pushing for New Jersey legislators to allow home cultivation in the Garden State.
Meet This Exhibitor:

Wilson Safe Company
Booth #335

Wilson Safe Company
A Leader in Cannabis Security
DEA High-Security Safe

Protect your cannabis inventory and cash with our high-security TL-30 safes, a versatile solution designed to meet your unique storage needs. Engineered to withstand 30 minutes of assault from a burglar’s arsenal, including hammers, chisels, grinding wheels, and carbide-tipped drills, these safes provide a robust defense. Moreover, boasting a 1.5-hour fire rating at 1,200 degrees, they ensure the integrity of your valuables even in the face of intense heat. Available in various sizes and configurations, each model offers versatility with options such as lockers, additional shelves, and drawers. Equipped with Group 1R locks mandated for DEA safes, heavy-duty hinges, and robust bolt work, our high-security TL-30 safes stand as an excellent safeguard for your assets.

Wilson Safe Company

Get Your Exhibit Space Today.

CWCBExpo, 11th Annual
June 5 – 6, 2024
Javits Convention Center, NYC
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